Why always apologizing? The many uses of “sumimasen” in different situations
Japanese people love using the the word ‘sumimasen(すみません).’ It is certainly one of the most
Japanese people love using the the word ‘sumimasen(すみません).’ It is certainly one of the most
Onsen (hot springs) and sento (community bathhouses) have been around for many centuries so it
A Twitter user @hom_fab extraordinarily captures the ordinary Tokyo. He captures the moment of sunset,
Sometimes, English vocabulary can apply to Japanese conversation, as there are many loan words originated
The second lesson of Japanglish is about shopping, especially for fashion and cosmetics lovers. Japan
The result of “2020 @cosme THE BEST COSMETICS AWARDS Mid-Year New Products” is finally announced!
The PS5 event has now happened on June 11 1pm PST and the Sony PlayStation
While English is one of the most common languages using around the globe, localization might
Studio Ghibli films are famous for their whimsical imagination of nature and life. Director Hayao
When two of the most largest-selling and recognised brands in gaming history, Tetris and Puyo